The Tantric MFT
Tantric Shaman, Heartwork Practitioner, Oracle, Spiritual Coach & Herbalist
Ph: 404-490-3830
Shamanic Tantra Sessions (In Person and Online)
Shamanic tantra focuses on the chakras and utilizes healing tools to remove negative entities and blockages, as well as healing of different mental and physical ailments. This work also balances the chakras and feminine and masculine energy. It helps you to be more connected with yourself and your pleasure body. Wombspace healing and elegant rose sessions are also included in tantra services. This is for individuals and couples. You can also book combined sessions with Dr. Candice & Shontwel. Book here.
Heart-work Integration Session (In-person or Online)
The heart has its own intelligence that communicates with the practitioner during the session. Guiding the practitioner to perform various steps which may include energizing needed areas, removing energetic abnormalities, amongst many other things. There is also services for soul retrieval and, past life regression. Some of these services are for individuals and couples. You can also book combined sessions with Dr. Candice & Shontwel. Book here.
Aura Cleansing & Chakra Balancing (Online only)
It involves remove stagnant energies and emotional blockages. It helps one push past what's holding them back via their chakras. This experience brings the body's seven main Chakras into alignment through specific essential oil blend, healing crystals, and pendulums. This unique experience leaves guests feeling calm and in a state of harmony, resulting in an increased feeling of wellbeing. This is a 20 minute service with a 10 minute debriefing on how to keep chakras balanced and open. Book here.
Ancestral, Health, & Oracle Readings (In person & Online)
Done online or in person, an ancestral reading session will help you to learn things about yourself from your ancestors and messages of things they would need you to do in order to optimize your life. Also aiding in removing negative entities and spirits from your life and direction on how to bind those spirits/energies. With health readings my ancestors guide me to what you need for healing, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. You will get the tools you need for healing in all aspects of your life that need it. This is for individuals and couples. Book here.
Release Ritual (In Person only)
We all have things that we have carried over the years through trauma, rejection, disappointments over the course of our lives. This ritual will bring relief to that weight energetically and spiritually. You can book this as a combined session with Dr. Candice & Shontwel. Book here.
Business Consultation for Healers (Online only)
Business Consultation for Healers (Online only)
Guidance on building a spiritual business based on your vision and specialty. Social media marketing to gain visibility as business, and branding, consent forms, and marketing. Book here.